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Water resources essay

Water resources essay

Legislation Arising Water resources essay Public Anger At the center of the first British environmental legislation was the Leblanc process, water resources essay, an industrial process that produced of soda ash which is chemically sodium carbonate that came into use in the first decades of the 19th century. Supreme Court. Water Resources Essay Examples Examining Oceanic Ecosystems. lake, J. Converting a….

Essay on Water Resource

Out of various things that a human being needs for survival, water is one of them. Water is one of the most precious resources for humans as well water resources essay other creatures living. It is very essential and comes from its own resource. Resource in simple terms can be defined as the place where a certain substance can be widely found and supplied from. So water resources are the sources from where we can obtain water. They are vital for humans and other animals alike. Although the water cycle helps replenish some amount of water sources, human activities are not helping it stabilize and distribute it evenly.

Our earth is 3 half water but we still face problems of water scarcity. This is because out of the water resources that can be found like the seas and the oceans only 2. Other water resources are either salty or not suitable for consumption. The water we can drink is known as freshwater. Freshwater can be found in sources like rivers, streams, glacial lakes, wells, etc. Water found here is drinkable and not harmful for humans and other animals. Freshwater comes from sources like mountains, underground water lakes, etc. This is an important resource that we must try and not pollute.

Without water, we cannot imagine our life. The scarcity of water water resources essay will bring extinction to other animals and human races, water resources essay. Water is not only used by humans for drinking and maintaining their bodily systems but also for other purposes. We use water for irrigation, cleansing our bodies, washing our clothes, other equipment, and objects, water resources essay, manufacture other products, etc. It is very essential to run our daily life. So we can imagine the importance it carries for other animals and plants too. It is due to the presence of water and sunlight that the plants can produce fruits, products and give off O2, without it, we water resources essay survive too, water resources essay. In a way, it is all a cycle where one depends on another.

But there are cases where we can hear people dying from thirst and the lack of availability of water. This is mainly due to the climatic changes that occur. Climate change can all be traced back to human activities. Unmanaged industrialization and urbanization have massively reduced the quality of air, water, and soil. It has left them polluted where the quality of health decreases altogether. It also leads to change in weather patterns due to greenhouse effects and other activities. Loss of human water resources essay, lives of people and animals take place due to the weather changes as drought, floods occur. Ecosystems also change and most importantly, the water cycle. Some places receive less while some places receive over rainfall too.

People who depend on rainwater for farming are left helpless as they watch their crops dry away or drown in the heavy rainfall. Not only that lack of water resources can be seen in places that rely heavily on huge sources of water. Water resources essay drinking water is required for the body to flush out unwanted wastes and keep fit. Bad water resources will degrade the health of the residents. Proper thoughts must be given out for the management of water resources. Water demand already exceeds in most places of the world and with the current rate of depletion of water resources we can soon see scarcity of water everywhere.

For this, plans and policies must be carried out to promote afforestation as it helps maintain the water cycle, absorb air pollution to some extent and keep the ecosystem running. Factory and home wastes should also not be dumped near water resources to keep them away from pollution and water resources essay. Water resources should be kept clean and activities such as washing clothes, toiletry should be avoided near them. People should be kept aware of the growing scarcity of water and make them not wastewater, use alternatives like rainwater too. We can recycle water by using them in irrigation too. Water resources are vital for the survival water resources essay human beings.

We are responsible for other creatures on Earth too. Water should not be used extravagantly and pollution should be avoided. That way we can maximise the amount of time we have to think for better solutions like using sea water in factory amounts to produce clean drinking water for all. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Skip to content. March 18, Greeting Lines 5 Views 1 Comment Essay on Water ResourceWater Resource. Share Tweet Pin. Share This Post:. You May Also Like. Essay on Tamu Lhosar August 9, January 4, Greeting Lines 0. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

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In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready to help you write a unique paper. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best match. Home Science Geography Nature Natural Resources Water resources. Essays on Water resources We found 4 free papers on Water resources. The swift population rise in the past 2, years was caused by an increase in Population Water resources. Planning And Development Of Irrigation Project Development Water resources. The role of youth in promoting oil conservation Water resources Youth. Water Pollution in Pakistan Pollution Water resources. Only certified experts. Hi, my name is Amy �� In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready to help you write a unique paper. Get help with your paper.

The student will be able to recognize the relationship that the water cycle and weather have. Students will have a discussion covering the effect of human on the environment or weather both locally…. Water infrastructure and safety issues are far more pressing in the developing world, and large numbers of research teams and laboratories are engaged in developing better and safer water system in Africa and much of Latin America Helmholz A lack of clean drinking water and reliable systems is a growing problem in much of the world, and so attention is shifted away from infrastructure issues in the developed world to where there is a greater need Helmholz This leads to a lack of research in domestic water supply infrastructure issues.

eferences Briscoe, J. Accessed 11 October html Helmholz. References Briscoe, J. ater Taxis Interviewee Research This person has been involved in water taxi projects before, so should be a good source of information about getting such a project under way. I know a little bit about the topic in terms of having seen these types of projects before. Several cities have them and they seem quite popular. I also know that Miami is a water-oriented city with Biscayne Bay, and a lot of canals. Putting these two things together is the genesis of the water taxi idea. Primary Questions O1. How would you describe the challenges in getting a water taxi venture running? hat is the role that the public and private sectors can play in a water taxi project?

How have these programs been received in the past, by the public and by politicians? hat is the current ridership of your water taxi program? Is your water…. Works Cited: Cooke, A. A livelihood analysis of the water taxi operators in the Grenadines. CERMES Technical Report No. pdf Damart, S. The uses of cost-benefit analysis in public transportation decision-making in France. Transport Policy. Savas, E. Privatization and public-private partnerships. CES Madrid. This makes the issue a complex one without a clear answer; carbon dioxide is preferable to other potential byproducts of fossil fuel combustion due to the ease with which it can be trapped and its relative innocuousness in these sinks, but undesirable due to its volume and the lack of current capabilities to provide adequate sinks.

As business owners and operators, you know all too well the incessant environmental regulation can create significant operational difficulties and reduce if to eliminate profitability, often with no effect on environmental risks or damage. The EPA itself has found that ground-level ozone quickly dissipates and presents a minimal danger to health if properly vented and dispersed, yet they are revising regulations as…. References Clegg, S. Oxidation of SO2 by H2O2 on ice surfaces at K: a sink for SO2 in ice clouds. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions Inventory of U.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks. Washington, DC. Garrison, T. New York: Thomson Brooks. Private armies and warlords support themselves with these crops -- an instance of exploiting in fact, abusing the environment to pay for war Global esources, Use of esources to Finance Conflict Forest products are also often used to pay for conflicts. Timber requires little investment and can be converted to cash more cheaply than oil, which requires technology. Control over timber resources can shift the balance of power during a conflict and affect how long the conflict lasts.

Underfunded armies, military, police, and rebel forces often finance themselves by cutting trees. Conflicts in Cambodia, Burma and Liberia have been funded with timber, and in each of those countries the wood produced more than million dollars per year Global esources, Incompatible Uses Leading to Conflict Use or misuse of resources can be very profitable on one hand but ruinous to another. For example, jurisdictional conflicts have heated up…. References Breaking the habit The Nation Feb 9 , 5 , Brown, V. Battle scars: Global conflicts and environmental health. Environmental Health Perspectives, 17 , Coles, C. Resources for peace. Conserving the Peace: Resources, Livelihoods, and Security Johannesburg: World Summit on Sustainable Development.

operation and data management of the water-authority with a specific focus on the ability to provide a sustainable water supply for the next century in the Caribbean. This literature review will examine previous studies both qualitative and quantitative of water sustainability and specific problems related to water quality, such as the build-up of nitrogen in the water supply. It will also review ways to assess water quality through the use of geographic information system GIS and remote sensing RS as a feasible tool of water management. The review will conclude with different philosophies of water delivery in the developing world, specifically the use of Integrated Water Resources Management IWRM and the philosophy's pros and cons.

Water management According to Gleick , the impending water crisis is one which will have seismic political and environmental consequences, if not addressed soon: "as human populations continue to grow, these problems are likely to…. Bibliography Al-Barqawi, H. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, Aspinall, R. Integrated geographical assessment of environmental condition in water catchments: Linking landscape ecology, environmental modelling and GIS Journal of Environmental Management 59, -- doi As a consequence, social unrest can then be avoided only by subsidies. The town is socially and entinancially heavily burdened.

Another problem is that the spontaneous rainwater flow, mixed with wastewater in a heavy downpour, pollutes the river or lake once again and provides more problems for gaining potable water. Scenario 3: As a result of climatic and geological conditions there is little potable water available; the resources are quickly exhausted. The possibilities for development by the town are therefore restricted. The cost of a long-distance water supply is prohibitive. This paper examines possible applications of rainwater utilization and application in an urban context. In doing so, it examines some of the more available technologies for this purpose, and draws on Germany's experience in dealing with the related issues. As part of this discussion, variants of practice and boundary conditions of decentralization issues are raised.

Questions and demands Centralized water…. California Drought Many parts of the United States have had droughts at one time or another. However, they generally go away and they generally do not last all that long. That being, California has been a different story in more than one way. The high agricultural use of water in the state combined with the lack of rainwater coming into the water table has led to a situation that is already dire and is getting worse by the day. This issue is important because the long-term viability of the water in California is a major concern for everyone that works and lives there or that will do either in the future years and generations. This report shall cover the totality of the problem and then offer solutions.

While desalinization and shifting of agricultural priorities are seemingly on the horizon, the current prospects of the water resources and status in California…. It is clear that conservation is needed. If the water that is left in the Southwest asin is squandered, it will disappear completely. Land use planning is also vital, because there are many different things that land around the Southwest asin can be used for - or not used for. When farms expand and urban areas are built, they cut into the water that currently exists, and this cannot continue without some way to get more water.

It is necessary for leaders who have control over these types of issues to stop people from continuing to deplete water resources through the use of conservation measures and proper planning for the land that is left. While more land is often needed for development, consideration needs to be given to how fast that development takes place and the resources that are available to support it. ibliography Great asin Water Issues. Bibliography Great Basin Water Issues. Great Basin Water Network. php Sharp, Jay W. Part II: Southwest Water Resources - the Problems We Face. html Water Demands n. Humanity's Global Need For Water As the Earth's population of human inhabitants continues to swell in exponential fashion, moving from 6 billion to 7 billion during the last decade alone, humanity has been forced to confront a crisis it has long ignored: the finite amount of fresh water on the planet.

Seemingly every human behavior, from agriculture to armed conflict, requires massive amounts of potable water for a wide array of reasons. Drinking, bathing, waste disposal, washing clothes and dishes, watering lawns and gardens; all of these daily activities are dependent on an available supply of running water. Even specialized activities like cooling heavy machinery during construction projects, clearing silt and debris within mine shafts, and extinguishing house or wild fires necessitate the collection, storage and dispersal of tremendous reserves of water. Despite the seemingly endless supply of fresh water emanating from the world's creeks, streams, rivers, lakes and ground…. References Hoekstra, A. Water footprints of nations: water use by people as a function of their consumption pattern.

Water resources management, 21 1 , Activity 1: Human Resource Management HRM HP Corporate Objectives Profit: Recognizing that profit constitutes the single most effective measure of the organization's contributions to the community, in addition to being the most basic source of business strength. Attaining maximum possible levels of profit in line with other business goals is the aim. Striving for constant advancement in company offering i. Field of Interest: Focusing efforts and constantly pursuing fresh development opportunities, whilst simultaneously limiting participation to areas wherein the company possesses capability and is able to effectively contribute. Growth: Underscoring corporate growth as one of the prerequisites for survival and one of the measures of corporate strength.

Employees: Offering employment opportunities to the workforce, including a chance to be a part of corporate success by helping to make it possible. Personnel must be afforded job security on the basis of their…. territory flow understand conflicts water mexico-U. border region Across the borders throughout the world there have been numerous cases of disputes for different reasons, which vary from illegal immigrants to the use of natural resources that cross the borderlines. A situation is also at the American border with Mexico concerning the water resources available and their use. The issues between the two countries are not necessarily a matter of conflict but rather one that needs constant monitoring and international regulations.

The problem revolves around the sites that are shared by the two countries that are the aquifer region of the Colorado iver and the io Grande. In a Treaty was signed between the two countries that share the water potential available on the shared border and initially it was believed that such international law would solve the matter. Moreover, "The Treaty also provides each country one-half of all…. References Vina, Stephen. pdf Wolf, Aaron T. And Joshua T. Since riparian concepts focus primarily on the relative rights of competing users of surface waters, there has, until very recently, been comparatively little regulation of the underground springs or aquifer system which feeds the surface water system, or of the rights of the state to control removal of water resources for use or sale elsewhere.

On November 25, , Mecosta County Circuit Court Judge Lawrence Root issued a lengthy opinion that finally addressed the problem and defined many of the issues under the laws of…. Howlett, D. htm 2. Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation v. Nestle Waters North America Inc. Pesticides that have widespread use in California also have the same effect. California as a state has been is water crises for decades, particularly in Southern California. The closest, most convenient resource is Northern California. The geography of Northern California is a water haven for the southern part of the state. With lakes, rivers and reservoirs, there are abundant water sources. Unfortunately these resources are not sufficient for the entire state.

They are perfect for the surrounding area, but not for the southern, dry part of the state. Although one state, the North and the South have set up trade agreements over water. The South is given a set amount each year and the remaining water is kept by the North. This is not a problem if the water resources are at a secure level for the year. Ironically, Fountain Valley, California, is responsible for managing the groundwater basin under…. References Brosman, D. Brown, L. Orance County Water District "Groudwater Replenishment System being explored to meet water supply needs," Groundwater Replensihing System, 17 Dec. Orange County Water District Overview of Water Factory 21, OCWD Online, 19 September. Arab-Israeli region is one in which water is a critical problem, and being able to get access to clean, safe water on a regular basis is one element of the ongoing Arab-Israeli conflict.

While there may be serious, conflicting views on political and religious issues, along with many other aspects of the way people in the various areas live their lives, it is no secret that they all have to work together if everyone is going to have enough water to enjoy. A report in indicated that there were a number of challenges with ensuring that everyone in the region received enough clean water for drinking, irrigation, and other needs Schneider, In order to attempt to combat that, Israel, Jordan, and Palestine all have water departments who are looking into working with one another.

Without that level of cooperation, there will be numerous people in those areas without…. References Schneider, V. Regional water data banks -- Overview of Middle East water resources. USGS International Programs. Clean Water Crisis Introduction Every human being on earth necessitates at least 20 to 50 liters of clean, safe water on an everyday basis for the purposes of drinking, cooking, and basically maintaining themselves to be clean. However, there is a significant need for clean water in countries. In the contemporary setting, statistics indicate that 1 in 9 individuals lack accessibility to clean and safe water Water.

There are million people across the globe that are presently living without access to clean water. This lack of clean water has resulted in a health crisis as it causes diseases. Notably, access to safe water leads to poor sanitation, which consequently adds to deteriorated health and increases the spread of infectious diseases. The inference of this is that it results in increased child and mortality rates. Statistics further indicate that every 2 minutes in the present day, a child does because…. This would require the full support of government and state authorities to punish those who break the rules. For instance, officers should patrol the forests and severely fine the tourists who leave trash in the nature. Also, a radical change should come from the multinationals, which should respect stricter environment protection rules and should pay drastically when breaking these rules.

The first point in this direction would be achieved once the population has an environment education and would then punish and ban the organizations which break these rules. With a damaged reputation and customers refusing to purchase their products, the corporations would have to reconsider their actions. Then, the second direction would appeal to the good will of the people and would state that the good deeds relative to the natural habitats are a social duty of each and every one of us. Therefore, if these two courses of action…. References Leonard, a. Ast accessed on July 10, , Garbage - How Can My Community Reduce Waste? htmllast accessed on July 10, Energy and Water Needs for Lactating Women Breastfeeding is one of the most important times in a young child's life. It establishes the immune system and ensures proper nutrition and growth.

For this reason, it is also vital for women who lactate to understand their energy and water needs. It may be assumed that these will increase during lactation, since the body is using both energy and water to produce lactation. Butte, Wong, and Hopkinson use measures of total energy expenditure TEE , the output of milk energy and the mobilization of energy from tissue stores to determine the needs of women who lactate. To determine this, the researchers included 24 participants who were well-nourished and exclusively breastfeeding at three months after birth.

Specific components that were measured included TEE, BM, and physical activity levels. These levels were the same for both lactating and non-lactating women. For the lactating women, the…. References Butte, N. Eenergy Requirements of Lactating Women Derived from doubly Labeled Water and Milk Energy Output. The Journal of Nutrition, vol. full Martinez, H. Fluid Consumption by Mexican Women during Pregnancy and First Semester of Lactation. BioMed Research International. Natural esourcs War is one of the primordial human traditions. Man has always been enthusiastic about fighting, murdering and stealing from others.

Many believe that war is a natural necessity and man can only attain full human importance if he behaves aggressively and antagonistically Mead If the militarist theory is taken into consideration for the sake of argument, it can be accepted that man is gifted with an intrinsic natural feeling to struggle, battle and to cause destruction and damage. Nevertheless, man cannot be characterized with these instincts and primal inclinations to harm and destroy. Man is distinguished from other mortals on the basis of his intellect, rationales and imagination. It is the 'reason' and 'logic' that teaches and guides man to the right path. References Bannon, Ian, and Paul Collier. Natural Resources and Violent Conflict: Options and Actions. Washington, DC: World Bank, The Environmental Literacy Council, 26 August, Gausset, Quentin, Michael A.

Whyte, and Torben Birch Thomsen. Beyond Territory and Scarcity: Exploring Conflicts over Natural Resource Management. Uppsala: Nordic Africa Institute, Kaptur, Marcy. House of Representatives, n. Hence, resource access and the enjoyment of secure property rights remain highly gendered within several areas across the globe. Females, both minor and adult, suffer particularly due to unfair land rights, besides encountering obstacles when it comes to accessing resources and even their own inheritance. That is not to say that males adult as well as minor are never faced with such challenges consider the example of first sons inheriting more as compared to their younger brothers.

TVA Company Profile The TVA is a self-financed government agency with approximately 13, employees, as of estimates. Its mission is to bring prosperity to the Tennessee Valley through excellent business performance and public service. These are to be achieved by supplying low-cost but reliable power, maintaining a thriving River, and fostering economic growth throughout the southeaster region, traversing 7 States. At the peak of its growth, TVA was serving more than 8 million users in more than 80, square miles of region The TVA's integrated management of water resources, combined with its exceptional institutional capacity enabled it to lift one of the poorest regions in the U.

into a strong economy and healthy environment today. It accomplished…. And Alavian, V. Tennessee Valley authority experiment. Case Study in Integrated Water Resource Management. USAID Water Team: United States Agency for International Development. pdf Funding Universe Tennessee Valley Authority: company profile. water in your area? How will these changes affect your personal life? What impact will it have on your local water supply? There is plentiful water in my region I live in the Great Lakes region. Nonetheless, a brief water conservation plan is the following: To use water for just its needs and to ensure that tap water is not left running in between those needs.

To double used bathwater as water that can be used for washing the floor. To, as much as possible, use rainwater for gardening In order to supply water to humans certain technologies must be utilized. Desalination is one of the methods that are used for promoting pure water supply. It literally means…. htm Forbes. Top 10 Environmental Success Stories and 10 Future Challenges. html ixzz2CgzQ. The role of community in achieving proper water and sanitation standards in times of disaster It is important to note that whenever a natural or manmade disaster hits a particular region, the entire community is put at risk since it is them who suffer the direct results of the disaster. These negative outcomes of the disaster could be social, economic and even psychological. It is therefore necessary to properly educate the entire community on how they can cope with water shortage and sanitation problems that are as a result of either flooding or hurricanes.

The various community drinking water treatment plants should have elaborate emergency plans that are to be put in action should there be a disruption of the service. It is integral that the community water treatment facilities comply with the stringent requirements that are laid down by both the federal and state regulations. After the emergency for…. html Copeland, C Hurricane-Damaged Drinking Water and Wastewater Facilities:Impacts, Needs, and Response. Resource The Everglades subtropical wetlands in Florida are recognized for their unique features and for the fact that they are one of the most beautiful places in North America. The territory is also impressive for the fact that it is one of the largest wetlands in the world.

ater and fire are two of the two main elements shaping the land, given that floods and draughts constantly affect it. In spite of the qualities that Florida Everglades has, the land is severely harmed by outside factors and it is essential for society to acknowledge the fact that urgent action needs to be taken in order for it to be brought back to its initial status. The Everglades are full of sawgrass that moves as a result of the fact that water goes through the marshes. This is the reason for which the region came to be known as "The River…. Works cited: Levin, Ted, "Listening to Wildlife in the Everglades," National Wildlife June-July Ridgley, Heidi, "Second Chance for a Dying Estuary - the Monumental Task of Restoring the Everglades Begins Miles to the North," National Wildlife Aug.

Water is first tested before entering the treatment plant and the region has a number of alerts in place to allow it to proactively monitor the water situation. Since the Ohio River is susceptible to contamination, it is important that these detection systems be in place to avoid any problems in the treatment process. To protect drinking water, the Greater Cincinnati Waterworks GCWW can turn off the intake and water in storage while pollution dissipates and passes in the…. region suffering from resource shortages. The writer explores the region of Iraq and its current problems with water, food, power and other issues. The writer looks at the problems, the political and economic issues behind the problems and how the problem is affecting the society. The writer then defends the resource management decisions that are being proposed.

There were four sources used to complete this paper. In recent years the world has become painfully aware that it is running out of resources. Nations have begun to work together to preserve fuel, water, power, food and other needed sources for mankind's survival. Different regions struggle with different issues. The middle east is well-known for its water and food problems and recently Iraq has moved to the forefront of publicity because of the war, but before the war began the nation was struggling with its resource needs. Today, the problems have intensified…. References Author not available, As thick as blood. water supply in the Middle East.

Author not available, U. James Cox, Iraq's economic problems have deep, tangled roots. WAIEL FALEH, Associated Press Writer, Iraq: Food Rations Are Insufficient. Rachel Carson, she asserts that water is our most precious natural resource and goes on to state that "most of the earth's abundant water is not usable for agriculture, industry, or human consumption because of its heavy load of sea salts" 1 and therefore "in the midst of this plenty we are in want" 1. Okay, so let's examine this particular argument; first she says that the earth's abundant water is not usable for consumption etc. Rachel offers no facts and no figures to back up her assertion, instead she implies that we are desperately in need of drinking water because most of the water is so heavily sedated with salt that it is undrinkable.

Even assuming that her assertion was true, the logical answer to the dilemma is that the water would have to…. played a dominant role in other countries' local conflicts because of our interest in the petroleum resources of these countries. The U. has been at the center of heated internal political debates in Iran. For example, the U. sided with the Shah, and when the Shah was overthrown, there was a great backlash against us. In addition, the U. has been involved in conflicts in Mexico over oil. Currently, our country is involved in a resource war in Colombia, which is as much about oil as it is about drugs. According to the Secretary of State for the U. Haig was particularly concerned about cobalt and manganese, for which the U.

Most comes from…. Bibliography N. Choucri and R. North Nations in Conflict. Freeman, White Paper: The Resource War and the U. Business Community. Washington, CENS. Knight and Behr, "Strategic minerals acquire news prominence in U. Klare, Michael. Resource Wars: The New Landscape of Global Conflict. Henry Holt, Water Pollution Water is the most precious environmental asset and natural resource on earth. Approximately seventy percent of the earth's surface is covered by water and it affects every facet of life and ecology. However, despite this obvious and crucial fact, many rivers, lakes and oceans are becoming increasingly more polluted, creating a serious ecological and environmental problem.

Not only is pollution the cause of the death of many organisms essential to ecological balance, but human drinking water has also been affected. This is particularly relevant with regard to the spread of disease. And Kifferstein,. The waterways and oceans of the world have been seen as an easy dumping ground for refuse and waste. This includes pollution from raw…. Bibliography Krantz D. And Kifferstein, B. WATER POLLUTION AND SOCIETY. May 22, htm Mercury in Fish and Shellfish. Sources of Water Pollution.

May 21, html The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. ater ars: Georgia, Florida and Alabama The 'water wars' between Georgia, Florida, and Alabama specifically revolve around the ownership and allocation of water "in two major river basins that cross their borders the Alabama-Coosa-Tallapoosa and the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint basins " "Tri-State water wars". Georgia, an 'upstream user' of these bodies of water is concerned about having enough water to fuel development in the cities of Atlanta and Columbus while also having enough money to support the state's agriculture.

Alabama, in contrast, is a downstream user and needs water to support its power industry, to ensure it has enough municipal supplies for residents, and to support its fishing industry "Tri-State water wars". Florida is also concerned about the impact that a limited water supply could have upon its fisheries as well as its critical agricultural products such as oranges. Works Cited "Chattahoochee blues. Cotterell, Bill. Supreme Court. Oforiaa-Amoah, Abigale. Human Resource Management. It a case study format Academic Essay. Use Harvard style reference list intext reference, Do include bibliography.

Number reference: 20 Academic References Detail find upload file. In today's challenging economic and business environment, managers are often faced with a dilemma regarding the human resource policy that is best applicable. In this particular case study, an important problem is brought forward: what is the optimum dimension of the workforce in an organization? There are several dimensions to this problem that will be discussed in this paper, including the challenges and consequences of having an adequately large workforce, motivational theories that apply to the employees etc. The premise of the issues described in the case study is simple: in the present time, the economy no longer has a predictable trend. With stagnation and economic recession just passed, the economic and business environment has not truly returned to the levels….

The world of work Rochester, NY: Harris Interactive, Inc. Eaton, S. If you can use them: Flexibility policies, organizational commitment, and perceived performance. Industrial Relations Galinsky, E. When work works: A status report on workplace flexibility. New York: Families and Work Institute. Groundwater "Water is starting to become an issue" in Harper County, Kansas, where groundwater reserves are running dry Vaidyanathan and Gilmer, Low rates of precipitation, coupled with diversion of groundwater to the oil industry, are threatening to diminish available water used for farming and domestic use.

Therefore, it is important to understand the nature of groundwater in Harper County, Kansas and the flow rate of pumps in order to prepare for the future. Harper County is in south-central Kansas, and abuts Oklahoma. The county "lies partly in the Wellington Lowland minor division of the Arkansas iver Lowland section of the Central Lowland province and partly in the ed Hills minor division of the Dissected High Plains section of the Great Plains province," Kansas Geological Survey Bulletin, More recent geological surveys divide Harper County into six main areas: the Upland area, the Bluff Creek area with Pleistocene deposits , the…. References Barlow, Paul M. And Leake, Stanley A. Streamflow Depletion by Wells -- Understanding and Managing the Effects of Groundwater Pumping on Streamflow.

United States Geological Survey. pdf Ellis, Blake. Water grab in Kansas oil boom. CNN Money. htm Kansas Geological Survey Bulletin, Geology of groundwater resources of Harper County, Kansas. html Kansas Geological Survey, Supreme Court has given employers "little choice" in the matter, Boyd explains. If a company "can prove" they took "reasonable care" in order to prevent or to correct inappropriate behavior, under the law they have in many cases "safe harbor" from punitive damages Boyd, p. The author states that sexual harassment training "…has evolved to become an ornate administrative display which has the appearance of concern…" but which in fact is "expedient in that it mitigates employer liabilities in any future court cases" p. Charles a. Pierce, Professor of Management at the University of Memphis, offers another approach for HR managers in his article published by Human Resources Management.

He asserts that "nearly 10 million workplace romances develop annually" in the U. The reasonable and logical point of Pierce's article…. Works Cited Appelbaum, Steven H. Fatal Attractions: The Mis Management of Workplace Romance. International Journal of Business Research, VII 4 , Boyd, C. The Debate Over the Prohibition of Romance in the Workplace. Journal of Business Ethics, 97 2 , Mathis, Robert L. Florence, KY:. Richard T. Wright, Dorothy Boorse, Population and Resources Before sewer systems and water treatment plants, there were many people who were still able to live hygienically. Even today, there are a number of people whose homes are not attached to city sewer systems, and whose waste products do not make their way to a water treatment plant.

These people generally have septic tanks buried in their yards, and a drain field extends from the tank, also buried in the yard. This allows the waste products to be safely and hygienically removed from the home, and these products eventually go back to the earth. This takes time, and there can be problems with the system. Tanks can crack, become too full, or the drain system can fail to drain properly. If the slope in the pipes from the sinks and other facilities to the septic system are not correct, there could…. As the company grew, she hired managers and put them in positions to handle operations, accounting and sales. Although these managers had those titles, it looked to me like they had little communication from the top.

When I joined, the company was having problems fulfilling orders. The purchasing people worked primarily with East Asian suppliers with a long supply chain. They had a lot of problems lining up shipments and getting our retailers what they needed. They seemed to get little help from the top. Our warehouse was also a mess. We had three different kinds of software, and our Warehouse Manager seemed unable or unwilling to make them talk to one another. When I worked in the warehouse, no one gave me any training: I was hired in the afternoon, and started the next morning. The supervisor asked me to tag along with another employee, who took me to…. Bibliography Gutteridge, T. A new look at organizational career development.

Human Resource Planning, Executive Education.

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