War means destruction, carnage, and a backward movement from progress. We have built up our civilization by thousands of years of effort. No period in world history has been the devastating effects of war. One is really interested in the Colden Era of the Russian literary classics; therefore, it would be relevant to discuss this topic in details:. For instance, there are those who may be tempted to argue that even God promised victory against nations that would be hostile to Israel, essays on war and peace.
Essay About War
Pacifism may portray various meanings to different people. One common meaning of this terminology is the ability to settle disputes without engaging in real war. To pacify primarily means making peace. However, the terse questions still remain unanswered. Is it possible for a Christian to remain pacifist in the contemporary world? Can conflict be avoided at any point in life in spite of being a Christian? Can we employ force to stop an intruder from interfering with us? When we use violence as Christians in regards to certain issues, does it reflect the authentic position of God?
What about the will of God in mankind when the latter is faced with difficult moments? These are some of the questions that ought to be explored even as we investigate the subject of Christian pacifism. If indeed the act of being a pacifist is Godly, then Christians are definitely compelled to understand that it cannot be addressed as a separate entity from other values of Christianity. For example, pacifism ought to be explained alongside other aspects of Christianity such as trusting in God, rejecting the pleasures of this world, and love for one another. We all appreciate the fact Christian pacifism is a true value of Godliness. However, the point of diversion comes when the very Christians are faced with challenges that may demand violence to resolve.
Even in the life of an ordinary Christian, greed and lust for worldly possessions may lead to sin. If the latter is true, then it implies that human nature if full of violent acts aimed at seeking the best opportunities for survival. At a personal level in the life of a Christian, engaging in war or acts of violence in order to resolve emerging conflicts is not part of the biblical doctrine. Christians are called to be peace makers according to the beatitudes. Even in instances when we are wronged, essays on war and peace, we are supposed to not merely forgive those who offend us. We should also pray for them so that they may come to know the truth.
From this perspective, it is vivid essays on war and peace Christians should not engage in war Lon The latter appears to be rather contrary to the biblical principles as comprehended by Christians. In the physical world of a Christian, any form of violence cannot offer any meaning or purpose in life. On the other hand, if the above statement by Hedges is understood in the spiritual realm, then it can make great sense to any serious minded Christian. Spiritual war gives reason for living as a Christian. Christians continually fight in the spiritual world with the principalities of darkness.
They do so through Christian practices such as prayer, fasting, essays on war and peace, meditation, purification of oneself, and even worshiping God in the spirit. When this Christian perspective is embraced, then any form of physical essays on war and peace is not within the will of God for mankind. The writing by Hedges do not address spiritual war as mentioned in the previous paragraph. It speaks of physical war in practicality. Hence, there is no doubt that violence is dangerous even in the physical world. If that is the case, why should Christians engage in war in order to resolve the challenges facing them?
If war is detestable in the physical world, why should christens serving God in the spiritual realms engage in violent essays on war and peace to problems? Christians should embrace pacifism at all costs so that they can remain true to their faith in God. Perhaps, it is not spiritually profitable to listen to radical schools of thought in regards to Christian pacifism. For instance, there are those who may be tempted to argue that even God promised victory against nations that would be hostile to Israel. Well, we have witnessed Israel going into physical war with Palestine several times.
Besides, Israelites have commanded victory over rival nations since the Old Testament times. From this outset, it is clear that the contemporary world has largely adopted the ideals of fundamentalism as the expense of pursuing peace. During the Old Testament times, God spoke to his people directly and would command them whether to make war or peace. The modern day Christians are supposed to be guided by the Holy Spirit and not physical desires Lon In conclusion, it is spiritually logical for Christians to maintain sanity by being pacifists. From the above deliberations, essays on war and peace, it is vivid that even physical war is unhealthy to any nation irrespective of its global status. Hedges, Chris. War is a Force that Gives Us Meaning. New York: Perseus Books Group, Lon, Edward Le Roy.
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But whatever the reason, though they want to disguise their beastlike nature under the costumes of modern education etiquettes and modesty, their real nature at times gets disclosed. Then we see the primitive intransigent beast in him. Such people are always fond of destruction games. And war is an inevitable consequence of their willful thoughts and desires. The world could have become a good paradise by virtue of the gifts it was offered by the industrial revolution in Europe. An orgy of blood started. They started to exploit the power of science to fulfill their ill-motives.
They not only robbed people of their wealth, but they also sucked their blood, killed them, tortured them; and more pitiably, they waged wars as and when they met problems in the distribution of power and wealth with their rival robbers. Thus war broke out like an epidemic almost all over the world. The current trend of the world is but an extension of that historical evil. War means destruction, carnage, and a backward movement from progress. People thrills at the destruction and decimation that took place at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Thousands of innocent men women and children who were blithely thriving in the free atmosphere of nature had to die an immature death. War is, therefore, a curse. No party benefits from it-neither the winner nor the defeated. The nacked danger of war has been seen in the Gulf-war, in the freedom struggle of Chechnia, in the civil war of Bosnia and Afganistan, in the freedom struggle of Palestine, and in dozens of other wars.
From the legendary and mythological history, we hear of the devastating battles of Lanka, Troy, and Karbala. None of these wars has ever brought about any good for any human being or tribe or nation. It is, undoubtedly, always destructive. To what direction is the world moving in this age? Where can we hunt the elusive golden-deer of peace? When we look at the developed countries, we have little hope seeing that they are being. tickled by arms-competition. Under the veil of fake fraternity and courtesy flash the savage fangs of doubts and disbelieves.
The fundamental philosophical contradiction between socialism and democracy is always fanning the cinder of an ever-living outrageous war among various countries. However, people have taken a revolutionary initiative to catch hold of the golden-deer of peace by establishing the United Nations Organization. Now there are many official discussion-rooms in Geneva for peace talks. One scholar, during the second world war, made the following comment about Geneva. Peace is like happiness—the more given away, the more received. Here most people, at least most of those who lead other people, are very greedy, egotistic, or self centred. Each of them has different aims, different purposes, different ways.
But if there were only one main goal of everyone-world-peace, then there would actually be peace. No matter whatever the difference between various systems or philosophical beliefs, we all can easily disregard it for a greater peaceful world. We have to ensure nonproliferation and mutual tolerance. The UNO should now come forward with more strength and liberality. We have built up our civilization by thousands of years of effort. So, we must not damage it, or let anyone damage it simply because we or somebody of us is angered. Introduction: Civilization is a way of life in which the wilder passions of humanity are restrained, the nobler instincts and inclinations are developed and allowed to prevail.
As civilized men we want the all-around development of human culture, literature, science and the arts, giving goodbye to the jungle laws, In a word, civilization is a state when the highest ideals of the human society are attained. If we admire the civilization of ancient Greece and Rome, it is not for the wars that they waged, but for their literature, art, and architecture, their philosophic thoughts. Historical background : History teaches us one thing, that is, man has attained his highest civilization in times of peace. The military success of ancient time was only to illustrate the greatness of the human mind that then exploits of heroic fighters displayed.
But imagine the cost of wars. Men, money and material have been wasted for sheer destruction. No doubt war is an evil, the greatest catastrophe that befalls human beings. It brings death and destruction, disease and starvation, poverty, and ruin in its wake. One has only to look back to the havoc that was wrought in various countries not many years ago, in order to estimate the destructive effects of war. A particularly disturbing side of modern wars is that they tend to become global so that they may engulf the entire world. But there are people who consider war as something grand and heroic and regard it as something that brings out the best in men, but this does not alter the fact that war is a terrible, dreadful calamity.
This is especially so now that a war will now be fought with atom bombs. Some people say war is necessary. A glance at the past history will tell that war has been a recurrent phenomenon in the history of nation. No period in world history has been the devastating effects of war. We have had wars of all types long and short. In view of this it seems futile to talk of permanent and everlasting peace or to make plans for the establishment of eternal peace. We have had advocates of non violence and the theory of the brotherhood of man. We have had the Buddha, Christ and Mahatma Gandhi. But in spite of that, weapons have always been used, military force has always been employed, clashes of arms have always occurred; war has always been waged. War has indeed been such a marked feature of every age and period that it has come to be regarded As part of the normal life of nations.
Poets and prophets have dreamt of a millennium, a utopia in which war will not exist and eternal peace will reign on earth. But these dreams have not been fulfilled. After the Great War of , it was thought that there would be no war for a long time to come and an institution called the League of Nations was founded as a safeguard against the outbreak of war. The occurrence of another war , however, conclusively proved that to think of an unbroken peace is to be unrealistic And that no institution or assembly can ever ensure the permanence of peace. The League of Nations collapsed completely under the tensions and stresses created by Hitler.
The United Nations Organization with all the good work that It has been doing is not proving as effective as was desired.
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