No one man can stop pollution, but he can start. The unnecessary honking of the vehicles, use of loudspeakers lead to noise pollution. The diseases that occur due to environmental pollution consist of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, lung cancer, skin cancer, lead poisoning, cardiovascular diseases and stroke, radiation augmented cancers, mercury poisoning, congenital disabilities, allergies, lung diseases owing to occupational exposure to numerous toxin and many more. The growth of cities in India has used soil as a sink for perpetually greater amounts of municipal waste. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Core samples of glaciers in Essay about environmental pollution show increases in Pollution related to Greek, essay about environmental pollution, Roman, and Chinese metal production. Plastic Pollution 4.
Reasons of Environment Pollution
Do essay about environmental pollution know what environmental pollution is and how it affects our earth? First of all, you should know essay about environmental pollution the environment is? The environment around us, including humans, animals, essay about environmental pollution, birds, mountains, rivers, etc. Increasing pollution can be seen as a problem. Hence this subject has been included in the syllabus of almost all the classes, essay about environmental pollution. Here we are going to talk about environmental pollution. Today our environment has essay about environmental pollution so polluted that the whole environment, essay about environmental pollution, including water, air, the soil, is polluted.
Well, we will understand all these things through the essay. Pictures of Environmental Pollution. The problems that arise in the environment due to contaminants are called pollution. Such as the greenhouse effect due to climate change and the increase in global warming of the earth, the depletion of the ozone layer, the occurrence of acid rain, large landslides due to floods, the movement of soil from one place to another is signs of pollution of the environment. Human society is the biggest reason for the pollution of the environment. The condition of the environment we see today results from many years of essay about environmental pollution deeds of man towards the environment.
Man has exploited the environment a lot to fulfill his needs. If steps are not taken to save the environment even now, we will have to pay a hefty price in the coming few years. Our future generations will not be able to see a better environment. Therefore, we all have to take steps together for the benefit of the environment. What can we do to save the environment? To essay about environmental pollution the environment from pollution, we have to start with ourselves. We have to promise ourselves that we will never take steps against the health of the environment. We all know that plastic is harmful to essay about environmental pollution environment, so we will not use it at all.
We will never advise farmers to use chemicals in their fields. We will save electricity. We will plant new trees. Whenever possible, we will make people aware of the environment and explain the importance of a good environment. In this way, we can contribute to saving the environment. Today the environment is facing severe conditions due to human activities. Our environment is constantly getting polluted by plastics, sewage from factories, oil seeping from trucks, ships moving in the sea, and excessive lighting in cities. Who is responsible for environmental pollution? He is the only human being on this earth with the most intelligent and natural resource.
Therefore, whatever is the condition of the environment today, only humans are responsible for it. Humans have used this free nature more than they need. Instead of purifying the dirty water, it was released into the rivers for a bit of greed. The life of hundreds of aquatic species has been questioned? And many species are gone forever. Similarly, fumes from trucks and factories cause acid rain. Acid rain causes colored crusts of buildings. Global warming is the cause of new-age pollution. The temperature of our earth is increasing every year. Many species and organisms can survive only up to a specific temperature; if there is an increase in the temperature, then the life of these organisms ends.
Apart from this, human reproduction is also affected. Therefore, environmental pollution is not a problem of any one country. However, it is a severe problem for the whole world. Therefore, the global government has counted environmental pollution as a global issue. No one country can eliminate environmental pollution. We all have to take steps together to reduce environmental pollution. Our earth is at the most significant risk of environmental pollution. Therefore, the governments of all countries are taking steps to protect it. Keeping the increasing pollution in the mainstream, the government organizes many events every year. To increase awareness about the environment, World Environment Day 5 June, Ozone Day 16 September, Water Day 22 March, essay about environmental pollution, Biodiversity Day 22 May — etc.
Posters are put up by people all over the world on these important days. Speeches are given about the environment to make people aware. Environmental pollution is so severe and enormous that only the essay about environmental pollution cannot solve it, and neither can anyone. If we want our clean and pure environment back then, we all have to join hands. If we all learn to use natural resources according to the need, there can be a step to save the environment. Nature has given us essay about environmental pollution — air, clean water, fields, barns, essay about environmental pollution, holy rivers, and lush green forests.
So, till today we have only played with nature. Now it is our turn to give some gifts back to nature. We should plant new trees, use eco-friendly vehicles. Organic farming should be promoted. Apart from this, whoever is going against the environment, then should try to explain it. short essay on environmental pollution: The environment in which we live today has deteriorated due to human activities. Human society has caused great pain to the earth to meet its needs. This pain is called environmental pollution.
Hundreds of diseases are spreading due to pollution, hundreds of species of animals are getting extinct. Cholera, polio, typhoid diseases are spreading due to contaminated water. The environment is reducing the life expectancy of human society. Now the challenge before us is how to deal with this problem. The problem of environmental pollution is vast, so its solution should also be done on a large scale. We should travel by public vehicles instead of private vehicles. LPG stove should be used in place of the wood stove in homes. The dirty waste of the houses should not be thrown here and there.
In these ways, one should contribute towards reducing environmental pollution from our side, essay about environmental pollution. Environmental pollution means the inclusion of such substances in our environment, which have harmful effects on the human world, fauna, essay about environmental pollution, and flora. Pollution is not suitable for the environment in any way. Thousands of such activities are happening around us, which are polluting our environment. The atmosphere is getting polluted continuously due to the smoke coming out of factories and fumes from vehicles. When the amount of harmful gases in the atmosphere increases, the air becomes polluted. This is called air essay about environmental pollution. When chemical-rich water from factories mixes in rivers or water sources, the water becomes polluted.
Apart from this, water sources get polluted due to the dumping of garbage and plastic in the cities. The land gets contaminated due to the use of excessive pesticides in the fields. The oil keeps dripping from the vehicles plying on the roads; when this oil flows along with rainwater and mixes in the water sources, it pollutes the water. When this water reaches the fields, it destroys the fertility of the land. When a chemical company presses the chemicals under the ground, the outbreak of these chemicals falls on the land and water bodies after some time. This type of noise gives rise to stress and psychological problems. Often people working in high-noise factories lose their mental balance, essay about environmental pollution. Plastic has spread so much on the shores of oceans, on the banks of rivers that collecting and disposing of them seems like a challenge.
Plastic is not only killing animals, but soil pollution is also increasing. Reasons for Environmental Pollution. Industrial units are constantly engaged in creating new products to make our daily life easy and prosperous. However, the balance of the environment is deteriorating by these industrial units. Smoke from industries and factories pollutes the entire atmosphere. Apart from this, the oily hot water of the machines is released into the rivers. Harmful chemicals released from many chemical factories are buried under the ground, slowly seeping into the soil and polluting the water. A large amount of air, water, and noise pollution are caused by vehicles. Vehicles combust large amounts of petrol and diesel. Carbon monoxide is emitted from the black smoke of vehicles.
Black smoke from vehicles dissolves in the atmosphere and pollutes oxygen.
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The four horsemen of our doomsday, air, water, ground and noise pollution will lead us into a place of utter hopelessness. This is not the time to be ignorant. It is the time to act if we want to preserve our future. With every passing day the air of this earth keeps on becoming more and more contaminated. Harmful particles emitted from factories, vehicles, ACs, firecrackers, have turned the air toxic and unbreathable. A huge amount of people die of lung diseases which are directly related to air pollution. Water pollution is usually caused by ignorant use of water bodies and dumping garbage in water. Plastic products and fertilisers play a major role in contaminating water.
Ships accidentally spilling oil in oceans bring about huge amount of pollution including algal blooms contaminating the ocean to its worst. The reason of ground pollution is generally the huge amount of waste products dumped underground. Nuclear wastes, plastic products and fertilisers pollute soil badly. The pollution is affecting the climate as whole in the form of ozone bile depletion and global warming. Air pollution is leading to deaths of thousands. Water pollution is killing thousands of aquatic creatures. The biological magnification of DDT and other harmful products are also harming the animals on the shores and birds. Thousands of water borne diseases are becoming more and more apparent. Ground pollution leads to problems like barren lands and defective crops resulting in famines.
To stop the pollution the first step should be stopping deforestation and encouraging afforestation. Plant as many plants as you can. Stop dumping garbage before recycling. Reuse Recover Recycle should be made mandatory for garbage. Factories should emit their smokes after filtration. Garbage should be recycled before dumping in water. Stop wasting natural resources. Keep your surroundings clean. Noises should be controlled all over the world. Forests should be protected under government protection. Please, find an example of the essay on the pollution problem that can be used as a guide for your future works on this topic. Environmental pollution is one of the main threats for our planet.
Pollution destroys the living environment and endangers human existence on Earth. No doubt, the economy finds many benefits in technological development. However, toxic emissions due to the work of factories, transportation, construction sites pollute the environment substantially. As the environmental pollution is a broad topic consisting of many sub-issues, there may be many approaches to building the consistent pollution essay. For instance, the pollution essay may concentrate on the various types of pollution, like sound pollution noise pollution , water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution etc. Each paragraph of the essay will describe the separate type of the environmental pollution. Another suggestion is writing the pollution essay that highlights the consequences of pollution problems including the global warming effect, natural resources extinction, health problems of people and animals, the destruction of natural ecosystems, etc.
The essay may also describe the causes of the pollution problems. Each paragraph, then, will be dedicated to one of the five main causes: industrial and technological development, transportation, agricultural activities, trading activities, and residences of people. Once you have selected the issue for the essay, you may draft the outline and move on to the analysis of the research and literature. The statistical data and approaches to pollution examination transform and improve over the time. So it is significant that you base your essay on credible and up-to-date sources.
You may also look online for the essay sample on the pollution topic. However, you are encouraged to perform the research and develop your own paper first. The essay sample may be used as a practical tool and the structural example to follow. The population of our planet is increasing constantly. The population growth, unfortunately, has many adverse effects, one of which is the pollution problems. Pollution is a process of contaminating the environment in a way that it becomes unsafe to use. The contamination usually occurs through the chemical substances; however is not limited to tangible effects. The pollution can also take the form of the light, sound noise pollution , or heat. The effects of pollution are devastative. The report of the NGO Pure Earth suggests that one of the seven deaths occurs due to pollution.
In this light, it is important to explore the various types of pollution and its effects on the environment and human beings. Limited time offer! One of the pivotal issues nowadays is the water pollution. The enlargement of the population means more trash and garbage. The rubbish dumps decay and the toxic substances permeate the soil going to the rivers and oceans. Moreover, tons of garbage are thrown directly into the water. There are even special islands for garbage in the oceans. Even though the technological development offers various approaches to garbage utilization, most of the poor countries do not utilize innovative technologies.
Thus, pollution becomes the leading cause of death in underdeveloped low-income countries. Nevertheless, water is contaminated not only due to regular garbage utilization. The plants, factories and mills are the key pollutants of the water. The process water from factories goes to the rivers and seas in neighborhood areas. In some rivers, the water is contaminated to the critical level and is banned from using. The fish and living environment of natural ecosystems are contaminated by dangerous chemicals that causes either the death of the entire ecosystems or hurts the consumers of the contaminated products seafood, fish, water, salt. Additionally, water is polluted by pesticides and fertilizations used in agriculture.
The devastating effects of water pollution may be decelerated by installing the water purification mechanisms at factories and plants. These efforts should be promoted and enhanced on the governmental level. Moreover, states should develop the global programs of the environment protection as the problem is not limited to a particular territory or state. It is a universal hazard that requires combined efforts. Air consists of nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor and inert gases. When the typical structure of air is altered, we can observe the effects of air pollution.
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