He decided that he had already hit the point of no return and acted accordingly. Free Essays Topics Essay Checker Hire Writer Login. He possessed every component that a tragic hero would have. King Lear: A Tragic Hero. Macbeth is a brave, good hearted man, who possesses a weak mind which allows his ambition and the persuasion of his wife to lead him down the wrong paths, ultimately leading to his destruction.
Was Macbeth a Tragic Hero? Essay Example
Macbetha tragedy written by William Shakespeare in the 17th century, expresses clearly the strong pull that desire for power can have over a man. Macbeth, the title character of the play, is often expressed as being the villain of the tragedy. However, through studying the play closely it is clear to see that, rather than being an innately evil character, Macbeth is in fact a tragic hero, doomed by fate from the start to descend into the madness which he did. Had it not been for his hamartia and his interaction with the witches and his wife then the play would have had a very different ending. Like every tragic hero in literature Macbeth suffered from a tragic flaw, or a hamartia. In his case, his flaw was his vaulting ambition, combined with a lust for power.
This comment suggests that he knows that the only thing that prompts his actions is his ambition. While ambition alone is not in fact a bad trait, when added with a lust for power, this ambition can become dangerous. Did having these qualities mean that Macbeth was indisputably corrupt? No, they simply meant that he, how is macbeth a tragic hero essay, like all human beings, had a flaw and a weakness. He is also frequently referred to as valiant by Duncan throughout the first act. That ambition always resided within him but did not cause a problem until the prophecy was made by the witches in act I, how is macbeth a tragic hero essay. It was essentially the moment that the witches first cast the prophecy over Macbeth that sealed his fate forever, how is macbeth a tragic hero essay.
Order custom essay Macbeth and Tragic Hero with free plagiarism how is macbeth a tragic hero essay. Without the witches foretelling his rise to power as Thane of Cawdor and furthermore as the future king of Scotland, the idea would never have occurred to him. He was initially a modest character, grateful of his position in life. However, once the witches planted the seeds in Macbeths mind they started to flourish and, given his hamartia, the idea wholly consumed him. Though initially he did not believe what they said, once he was granted the title Thane of Cawdor, how is macbeth a tragic hero essay, he started to consider that it could possibly be true. There is a noticeable ifference in his attitude toward the prophecy before and after he is made Thane of Cawdor.
Where as afterwards Macbeth is starting to view his promotion to King as not just a possibility, but rather an inevitable truth. His desire for this power arose and his ambition started how is macbeth a tragic hero essay take control. It was this moment that started his transformation from hero, to tragic hero. However, the alteration was a slow one and throughout the tragedy the Witches continued to contribute to Macbeths growing insanity. Their prophecies begun to dictate his every move. He became enraptured by a longing for power, a desire that would not have consumed him so, had it not how is macbeth a tragic hero essay for his interaction with the witches.
For if the Witches had not come along, than it is certain that Macbeth would not have fallen victim to the clutches of madness like he did. However, it was not only the Witches who contributed to his mighty fall. For it was not until he wrote to his wife that the ambition fully started to form. If it was the Witches who planted the seeds, then it was Lady Macbeth who helped them to grow. It was initially Lady Macbeth who created the idea for the murder of the King. Whiles Macbeth had previously considered it, he had never come to a conclusion and had simply left things to see how they turned out.
Lady Macbeth was the one who voiced the idea and who pushed it. Combined with his tragic flaw, it was almost impossible for Macbeth to resist that temptation. It was ultimately Lady Macbeth who spurred him to murder Duncan. Macbeth was not a typical villain, for whiles he did kill people he felt guilt and remorse for his acts. In the scene following the discovery of Ducans murdered body act IIMacbeth showed great difficulty in hiding his remorse. This contrasted with his wife, who could easily hide the truth and forge innocence. Most other villains created by Shakespeare did not suffer from this same form of guilt as Macbeth, guilt that eventually drove him crazy. This emotion is shown in the scene where Macbeth sees an apparition of Banqo at the banquet.
This apparition was a reflection of his remorse for the crime he had committed and his fear of being caught. Macbeth was not an irrevocably evil character, but rather one who had flaws which he caved into. In the end, it was his hamartia and his interactions with the witches and his wife that shaped him into the tragic hero that he became. This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it. Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life. Macbeth and Tragic Hero. Free Essays - PhDessay. com, Mar 15, Accessed January 7, comMar A tragic hero, determined by Aristotle, must show a nobility and virtue of a certain magnitude however, their path to happiness should be ceased by their destructive vice Harmartia- the.
Explore the idea that Shakespeare intended to make Othello fit the criteria of his tragic. William Shakespeare is an English poet and play right. His plays mainly consisted of comedies, history, and tragedies. The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is a play written by William. In the play by Arthur Miller The Crucible, the town of Salem is in pandemonium under the non-existent threat of witchcraft. Every character is either lying to save their lives. Let it be known that Hamlet spent every single act of Hamlet, give or take a few scenes, attempting to justify a reason to follow through with how is macbeth a tragic hero essay his uncle.
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He took this to heart and because he wanted to become king and he now thought it was in the realm of possibility, yet he knew it would not happen legally, he was really left with just one option. This was just the beginning of the seed that would grow in Macbeth that eventually culminated into a plant of terrible things. This just showed how Lady Macbeth reacted to the situation as though killing Duncan was the right thing to do and that Macbeth would be greatly benefited from it. Lastly, Macbeth was influenced by a hallucination of a blood stained dagger that was meant to be stained by the blood of Duncan. Come, let me clutch thee… … I go, and it is done; the bell invites me. Hear it not, Duncan; for it is a knell hat summons thee to heaven or to hell.
And from being influenced by the witches, his wife, and the dagger, it was obviously meant to be that Macbeth was going to make a serious judgment of error in killing Duncan. A tragic hero must have a capacity for suffering, and suffer because he believes in what he is doing, and because he feels both guilt and guiltlessness. Macbeth in my mind does fit into this category through all the pain and suffering he experiences throughout the play after he murders Duncan. No, this my hand will rather turn the multitudinous seas incarnadine, making the green one red. Macbeth is just realizing that what he has done is irreversible and he will never be able to get it off of his conscious.
He therefore must have the capacity for suffering, and though there are many moments when he is unsure, I believe that he truly believes in what he is doing. There are also times when Macbeth feels guilt over the act he has committed and he is never really able to shake these feelings off, but he still gladly takes over as king and moves on in life, therefore showing he feels both guilt and guiltlessness. Again, the point is now raised that yes, he believes in what he is doing, but what he is doing is a terrible thing, and how does this make him a hero?
Overall, it was clear in the story that Macbeth was definitely a tragic hero. He displayed his fatal flaw that was his insane ambition, he was destined to make the disastrous make of killing Duncan, and that he is willing so suffer to achieve what he believes is right. His serious error in judgment of killing the king was always meant to happen because three witches gave him the thought, his wife wanted him to do it, and his hallucination even pointed him towards it. To sum it up, the debate over whether Macbeth is a hero or villain should be put to rest because it is quite evident that Macbeth is a tragic, tragic hero. This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it. Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life.
Macbeth: A Tragic Hero. Free Essays - PhDessay. Macbeth's ambition grows more vicious when he not only takes the throne but also betrays his friend Banquo and even goes on to execute his entire family for being afraid that Banquo's descendants will take his throne in accordance to the witches prophecy. Macbeth is horrified by his actions as he says Ill go no more: I am afraid to think of what I have done Shakespeare, William, and Samuel Thurber Lady Macbeth bears significant influence on Macbeth's betrayal of the King, and despite Macbeth opposition, Lady Macbeth goes ahead to plan for the assassination of the King at Macbeth's castle. Macbeth is a tragic hero in Shakespeare's Macbeth due to the previous inclination and achievements of the character as the general in King Duncan's army.
Macbeth shows a high level of devotion to his country and family. Besides, King Duncan is aware of Macbeth's valor as a general who overcomes King Sweno and also quells a local rebellion. Despite Macbeth's devotion to the king, the witches plant a seed of ambition which is further nurtured by Lady Macbeth to kill the King for the throne. Macbeth appears remorseful and regretful of his actions afterward which makes him a tragic hero in Shakespeare's Macbeth. Berquist, James. If you are the original author of this essay and no longer wish to have it published on the ProEssays website, please click below to request its removal:. Sorry, but it's not possible to copy the text due to security reasons.
Enter your email to get this essay sample. Enter your email and we'll send you a properly formatted printable version of this essay right away. Is Macbeth a Tragic Hero Essay Date: This essay has been submitted by a student. Introduction A tragic hero and a villain are two different characters as depicted in the literature based on their character. Trust an expert. If you are the original author of this essay and no longer wish to have it published on the ProEssays website, please click below to request its removal: Request. Similar essays:. Submit your request. First Name First name should have at least 6 letters. Last Name Last name should have at least 6 letters. Email Please enter valid email.
Through all the pressure and problems that were happening throughout the play, Lady Macbeth commits suicide. After hearing that Macbeth had killed Macduffs family, Macduff and the army head for Macbeths castle and cut down Birnam wood trees to use as cover. In the end Macduff who was born by C-section, which was not considered to be born of a woman kills Macbeth. Macbeth is clearly a hero because at the very beginning in Act 1 many characters speak of how heroic Macbeth was and how he performed in battle in defense of his kings land. Macbeth is praised for all his courage in the battle, which raises hope of having the crown.
Then again, in act 1 we hear from the king how much he admires and happens to appreciate Macbeth. Macbeth is very ambitious and always wants to succeed. Macbeth shows his heroic side when he tries to keep Lady Macbeth innocent of the murder crime he committed. These evidences lead me to the simple conclusion that Macbeth definitely was a tragic hero. He possessed every component that a tragic hero would have. Greek and Roman. New York: Barrons, Macbeth meets all of these requirements, and can therefore be called a tragic hero. Free Essays Topics Essay Checker Hire Writer Login.
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